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Use a Firewall to Protect Yourself
Some Tips and Tricks

Dear World,

In my job I'm always encouraging teachers and students to experiment with free software but I always mention to them that it is important to cover yourself against adware, spyware & hackers by using a firewall.

Zone Alarm monitors any inbound access to your computer and it also check which programs are accessing the Internet. When it detects activity it asks you if you really want to allow... This way you 'train' your computer to only allow the access in and out that you really want.

I run this piece of free software on my laptop all the time. It often discovers and blocks intruders to my system. I encourage my teachers and students to run this software on their personal systems to keep their data safe.

Ideas for classroom activities:

* Set a homework research task on firewalls. What are they? What can they do? Why have they been developed?
Design a poster for your room that tells of the need to work behind a firewall.
Display posters around your classroom computers about firewalls and security.
* Find a testimonial of a person who has been a victim of a hacker.

Firewall Software
Download the Free
Zone Alarm Software here.


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