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Homework Idea – Paleontology

Homework Idea – Paleontology – Discover which dinosaurs or megafauna roamed your street, town or country. You might be surprised.

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Homework Idea


What dinosaurs walked in your Neighborhood?

Every child who gets into dinosaurs toys or dinosaur posters knows the names of T-Rex, Stegosaurus, and Triceratops. However, everyScience Lesson - Dinosaurs country had its own interesting dinosaurs and megafauna. Encourage your students to find out what dinosaurs walked/swam/flew in their area back in the day. 

Since I live in Australia I get my students to mind map an Australian dinosaur they find interesting. On the mind map, they outline such things as the dinosaurs’ name, size & weight, where and when the first fossils were discovered, the period they lived in, how long ago they lived, diet, interesting features, what modern animals are they related to, locomotion plus any other facts and features they deem interesting.
Here is an example of a mind map done on Steropodons.

Steropodon Mind Map
Steropodon Mind Map

Teacher Stuff Hint:

– I find having the information presented as a mind map avoids straight ‘copy and pasting’ and then you can demonstrate ‘expanding notes out’.